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Mo-Su 9-21

How long does it take to make a purchase with Simplecoin Wallet?

The duration for which the purchase is settled consists of two phases.

  1. Transfer funds to Simplecoin Wallet
    • In order to enjoy the benefits of instant exchanges, you must first transfer money or cryptocurrencies to your Simplecoin Wallet account.
    • In the case of money, this transfer can take up to 24 hours and only takes place on weekdays.
    • When sending cryptocurrencies to your account, the speed of the transfer will be affected by the capabilities of the cryptocurrency network. In the case of DOGE the transfer is instantaneous, in the case of BTC it may take a minimum of 10 minutes depending on the amount of the fee.
  2. Exchange in Simplecoin Wallet
    • If you have transferred money/cryptocurrencies to your Simplecoin Wallet account, you can trade instantly and exchanges will settle in seconds. This is the main advantage of Simplecoin Wallet.

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The customer service line can be reached Monday to Sunday between 9:00 and 21:00. Or send us an email. Our colleagues will always be happy to advise you and guide you safely through your purchase.

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